Grand Designs?

A blog to record the progress of our extension...

Monday, August 07, 2006

nearly there

Things are mostly back to normal now. There are some small things the builders need to do (change some light fittings, partially re-tile some of the kitchen splashback, fit the door handles - so we can lock the door to the downstairs cloakroom, or rather, not trap ourselves in there as Mum did at the weekend...!). These should all be sorted this week. With the dishwasher being delivered on Friday, and the carpet man coming to measure up this week as well, we are nearly there.
There'll be more pictures soon, as we have unpacked most of our things now and it looks a little more homely.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

moving in pictures

sorry for the lack of updates - our broadband wasn't working properly when we moved back in, and then we were on holiday for a week.... anyway, here we go. These pictures were taken before we started unpacking all our boxes...

here's the back of the extension - you can see how the builders have copied the brickwork detailing under the eaves, from the original build.